
In today’s society where identity theft is the fastest growing crime and affects millions of individuals each year, we want you to trust that your information is safe and secure. No one is 100% safe as there are many external issues with credit cards, hacking of large corporations and personal data being held in many areas and with many people. However, the safety measures that we have instituted with our firm’s servers and policies keep your information protected.

As we continue to move further into a digital world, we have partnered with SmartVault to allow for the secure exchange of sensitive information. We encourage all clients to take advantage of the client portal which is aligned with our firm’s policies. The cloud-based portal is designed for clients to upload their tax documentation and in turn, we scan all documentation as well as send a copy of your tax return for your future access 24/7, 365 days a year from your home, your office, on vacation or during your winter escape retreat. Accessing the portal is easy from any web-browser or internet-enabled mobile device.

Safe-guarding our client’s personal, sensitive information while giving them secure access to their tax records is of utmost importance to our firm and our clients.

Are you an existing customer?  Submit the form below to request access to SmartVault

Invitation to SmartVault

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